Sunday 23 May 2010

Lazy days in the sun

This is what I wore yesterday, for my mum's house party. Denim shorts, with a blue vest top and a winter over shirt. My pale legs didn't look very sexy when I was wearing my shorts, but I still decided to wear them as I lacked in choice of shorts to wear.

With the shorts I wore some black and gold Roman sandals, but towards the end of the night, the weather got chilly and I switched to my All stars.

I bathed in the sun for a couple of hours until the guests started to pour in, all wearing shorts. My sister had her shorts on, so did my mum and her friends.

All in all, it was a good party.

I also wore a blue bracelet, which my sister stole off me half way through the party.

I enjoyed myself, wearing my casual summer shorts. :*)



  1. Hey! Thanks for following my blog! I will definitely keep stopping by, and I will follow :)!

